Half a million tests and many mosquitoes later, new buzz about a malaria prevention drug

Researchers spent two years testing chemical compounds for their ability to inhibit the malaria parasite at an earlier stage in its lifecycle than most current drugs, revealing a new set of chemical starting points for the first drugs to prevent malaria instead of just treating the symptoms. 12th International Conference on Pharmaceutical Chemistry during May 20-21, 2019 at Berlin, Germany.  The conference emphasizes the theme…

Letting Go: How dying cells detach from their neighbours

Researchers from the Mechanobiology Institute, Singapore (MBI) at the National University of Singapore have described how dying cells detach and are expelled from a tissue, and how tissue tension in the region surrounding a dying cell is remodelled. The work was published online in the scientific journal Development in November 2016. With Immense pleasure, Wound Care 2019 along with the…

Simple drug combination creates new neurons from neighboring cells

A simple combination of molecules converts cells neighboring damaged neurons into functional new neurons, which could potentially be used to treat stroke, Alzheimer’s disease, and brain injuries. With Immense pleasure, Alzheimers Disease 2019 along with the Organizing Committee Members invites all the participants from all across the globe to attend 3rd International Conference on Alzheimers Disease and Dementia which…